Organic pollution enhance susceptibilites of Penaeus chinensis to pathogenic bacteria
摘要: 1995年5~11月,以人工合成饵料作为有机污染源,取体长8、10和12cm以上中国对虾,在0.9m3水族箱中,分批进行有机污染提高对虾对病原体易感性试验.对虾在上述环境中培育2~3周后,测定其对付溶血性孤菌易感性及体内与抗病有关一些酶的活性.结果:与对照组相比,试验组对虾对病原菌易感性提高1~3倍;体内SOD、PO及溶菌酶活性分别下降约22%、50%和28%~86%.血细胞数量减少50%左右.这与人工合成饵料在水环境中经分解后,产生一些对对虾有害物质,其中以氨氮产生和DO减少尤为显着有关.Abstract: From May to November of 1995,P.chinensis were used experiments using excessive artifical diets as organic pollutants.Twenty about 8, 10 or 12cm body length P.chinensis were put into the test pond and control pond.After 2~3 weeks,susceptibilities to pathogenic bacteria the number of haemocyte and lysozyme,SOD, PO activities were compared.The results were as follows.Susceptibilities to Vitrio parahaemolyticus, were 1~3 times that of the control pond shrimp (Table 1),the haemocyte number of the test shrimps decreased about 50%,the SOD, PO and lysozyme activities of the test pond decreased about 22%, 50% and 28%-86% compared with those of the control pond (Table 2).Additionally it has been proved that in the test pond following the excessive artifical diets degreded,the DO content decreased,NH3-N increased markedly.So the conclusion could be drawn:organic pollution affects aquatic environment,decreases immune level,enhances susceptibilities to pathogen bacteria.
Key words:
- Penaeus chinenses /
- organic pollution /
- anti-disease ability /
- immune level
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