Distribution characrerstistics of size-fractionated chlorophyll a and productivity of phytoplankton in the Beibu Gulf
摘要: 1994年5月23B至6月4日现场观测了北部湾浮游植物细胞丰度、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的分布.测区平均叶绿素a浓度为0.94±0.45/d3.平均初级生产力(C)为351±172mg/(m2·d),浮游植物细胞丰度为0.97×104-10050×104个/m3,鉴定浮游植物4门56属176种.地理环境和水文状况的差异使上述参数分布具有明显的区域性特征,近岸区高于湾中部,测区北部高干南部;温跃层以下水层叶绿素a浓度高于上层水,周6观测站平均叶绿素a浓度湾北部(0.47±0.15g/dm3)高于湾南部(0.15±0.02dm3).北部湾水域光合浮游生物以微型和微微型细胞(小于20m)占优势,其对总初级生产力的贡献(占91%)高于对总叶绿素a的贡献(占77%).Abstract: The distribution of the abundance of phytoplankton,chlorophyll a concentration and primary productivity in the Beibu Gulf were observed from May 23 to June 4,1994.The results showed that there were marked features of spatial zonation in the surveyed area due to the differences between the geographic environment and the hydrological conditions.Chlorophyll a and primary productivity were higher in the inshore than in the middle area and higher in the north than in the south of the Beibu Gulf.The average concentration of chlorophyll a,primary productivity (C) and the abundance of phytoplankton were 0.94±0.45 μg/dm3,351±172mg/(m2·d) and 0.97×104~10050×104/ind./m3 in the surveyed area,respectively.There were 176 species belonging to 4 phyla and 56 genera based on microscope identification.The average chlorophyll a of the anchor station was higher in the north (0.47±0.15 pg/dm') than that in the south (0.15±0.02μg/dm3) of the gulf.The results of the size-fractionation showed that the contribution of nanoplankton with picoplankton to total chlorophyll a was 77%,to total primary productivity was 91%,which proved their importance in phytoplankton community of the Beibu Gulf.
Key words:
- Size-fractionated chlorophyll a /
- primary productivity /
- phytoplankton /
- the Beibu Uulf /
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