摘要: 鼓浪屿位于24°26'22"~24°27'17"N、118°03'06"~l18°04'18"E,地处厦门岛西南侧,相隔一条宽约500m的鹭江水道.略呈椭圆形,长约1 800m,宽1 000m,面积1.78km2.海岸线蜿蜒曲折,四周有9个小半岛,10处礁石群,7处峭壁带,地质以中生代花岗岩为主.岛屿沿岸为狭窄的冲积平原与海滩地,岸滩较高.近湾口段多为岩石陡崖,海蚀崖发育.南岸以沙滩为主,宽者数百米,北岸为泥和泥沙滩.
李荣冠,江锦祥.应用丰度生物量比较法监测海洋污染对底栖生物群落的影响.海洋学报,1992,14(1):108-114 Gray J S et al.Detection of initial effects of pollution on marine benthos:an example from the Ekofisk and Eldfisk oilfields,North Sea.Mar.Ecol.Prog.Ser.,1990,66,285-299 Gray J S et al.Analysis of community attributes of the benthic macrofauna of Frierfiord-Lan Kesundf jord and in a mesa corm experiment.Mar.Ecol.ProR.Ser.,1988,46,151-165 -
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