针飞鱼属Oxyporhamphus Gill(1863)是飞鱼中形态最原始的种类.其地理分布集中于太平洋、印度洋和大西洋的热带海域.针飞鱼是大洋性小型上层鱼类,也是大洋鱼类区系营养相互关系中的重要环节;它们既可为人类食用,亦是大洋重要经济鱼类(如金枪鱼、旗鱼、枪鱼、鲯鳅等)的天然食饵,故能利用飞鱼类“集群”的习性和明显起飞的特征刘断大洋经济负类的踪迹.因此,对飞鱼类的研究,具有特别重要的意义.
The paper is a detailed report on the early development of the smallwing flyingfishes,Oxyporlcdmphus Gill,collected in the central region (between 110°-118° E,12°-17°30'N) of the South China Sea during 4 cruises of the R/V Shi-Yan of our institute from 1975-1978.258 eggs,larvae and juveniles of Oxyporhamphus were examined from these cruises.Among the collected samples,180 eggs and 29 larvae and youngs belonged to Oxyporhamphus ynacropterus(Cuvier et Yalenciennes,1846)and 41 eggs,24 larvae and juveniles belonged to Oxyporhamphus convexus(Weber et de Beaufort,1922).