摘要: 地壳构造运动的基本问题,是探讨它的动力原因和运动方式。本文将整个地球看成是由本体(指不包括表面液态水的地球主体部分)及水体(指大洋液态水)两个独立的组成部分相结合构成的。整个地球(包括本体及水体在内)具有总质心。而本体及水体两部分都分别具有各自的质心,本文中称它们为“次级质心”。根据空间质点系质心原有的运动状态不能随意改变的原理,我们提出一种看法,认为地球总质心的原有运动状态是不能任意改变的,而地壳构造运动的基本动力是由地球本体及大洋水体两部分的次级质心复位运动所产生的,并因此而决定了地壳的运动方式。这一看法不一定成熟,它能否更合理地解释地壳构造运动的复杂现象问题,现提出来供大家讨论。Abstract: The basic problem of the tectonic movement is to trace its cause and the way it moves.In this paper,we consider that the earth consists of two independent components,the base body (the earths main part excluding the liquid on the surface) and the water body (the water of the ocean).The earth has a mass centre,while the base body and the water body each has its own mass centre,defined as "the secondary mass centres" in this paper.According to the principle of conservation of the original state of movement of the mass centre of a particle system and the conservation of original state of movement of the earth's mass centre,we suggest,that the basic cause of the tectonic movement originates from the force of the resilience of the two secondary mass centres,which also determines how the crust moves.
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