梭鱼(Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky L.)胚胎和仔、稚、幼鱼发育的研究
The Developmental Stages of Mullet Mugil So-iug Basilewsky
摘要: 鲻科鱼类是世界上重要的海水和半咸淡水养殖对象。对于它们的个体发育研究,国际上一向比较重视。已见报告的品种有M.cephalus[10][6][7]、M.capito[12]、M.curema[5]、M.corsula[9]、M.macrolipis[11]、M.carinatus等,而对梭鱼(Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky L.)个体发育的研究,仅见T.B.杰赫尼克[14](1949)和朝鲜的张日寿(1966)发表过有关报告,在国内尚未见有这方面的详细报告。Abstract: The present paper deals with the characteristics of the embryonic,larval,juvenile and young fish stages of Mullet,with an emphasis on the correlation between their morphogenesis and ecological activities.It is notable that the change of feeding habit of the fry coincides closely with the development of some organs.Materials used are obtained partly by artificial fertilization and partly from the samples collected with plankton nets during the spawning seasons of the fish at Haichow Bay,Kiangsu Province in 1961-1963.The eggs and larvae reared successfully in our laboratory and outdoor cement ponds.
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