摘要: 从方法论上说,除潮汐以外,通常在处理海洋动力学问题时,大多撇开海洋对大气的影响,强调大气对海洋的主导作用,把大气运动当作诱发海水运动的唯一原动力,视海面风场为给定条件,而后用经验或半经验公式算出海面风应力场,作为施加于海水的强迫力。因此,一个成功的海浪、海流或风暴潮的预报,除了具备反映海水运动的主要物理性能的数学模型外,还必须以客观的、准确的海面风场的数值计算和预报为前提。由于问题的复杂性,迄今为止似乎还不能说在实用上已经提供了海面风的一种足够精确的估算或预报方法。海上气象观测资料,尤其是测风资料的稀少,给海面风应力的实际计算带来不少困难。Abstract: This article deals with ocean currents and storm surges in a shallow sea from the point of view of atmosphere-ocean interaction.With ignoring heat transfer at the air-sea interface,a four layer quasi-balanced dynamical model for a satisfactory simulation of the structure of atmospheric and oceanic planetary layers is proposed.The velocity structures of both atmospheric and oceanic planetary boundary layers are obtained by an analytical approach.In addition,a formula to calculate the surface wind at sea is derived and discussed briefly.Based on the ocean current profiles thus obtained,an equation for numerical prediction of shallow water storm surges is separately given,in which physical factors such as baroclinity of atmosphere,roughness of sea surface,bottom configuration and dependences of coefficients of eddy viscosity in both fluid mediums upon the height or the depth are taken into account.The equation may be solved numerically under appropriate lateral boundary conditions and initial conditions,if the observed or the predicted air pressure and temperature over the Sea and the surface water temperature as well as other physical parameters are known.
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