Numerical Simulation of joint processes in Ocean Waves
摘要: 早期,海浪被抽象成一些简单的模式(如正弦波、有限振幅波等等),而加以研究,也得到了许多能近似符合实际的结果。但是,对真实海浪而言,其内部结构和外观特征都是复杂的,且都受着随机性的制约。因此,自五十年代初期开始,人们已广泛地使用随机函数(随机过程)来作为描述海浪的模式。当用随机函数这种模式研究海浪时,海浪谱是一种有效的工具,而如何获得海浪谱便构成海浪研究中重要的问题。海浪谱可以通过多种途径获得,但利用海浪过程的现实(观测记录)求谱是最基本、最可靠的方法,这方面国内外已进行了许多的研究。Abstract: Based on the methods of simulating single process in ocean waves proposed by Borgman,Goda,etc.,three simulation techniques for joint processes are presented.The first one is characterized by regression of the processes to be simulated;the second,as discussed by Borgman in his paper,is associated with the multiple linear system selected properly,with the vectorvalued white noise processes as its inputs the third is based on the superposition of an infinite number of component waves.These approaches can be considered as generalization of those methods for single process in ocean waves used before.In addition,design of numerical filters is described.
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