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王岚 魏皓 车亚辰 张翠翠

王岚,魏皓,车亚辰,等. 融合类别数量自适应深度数据增强和迁移学习的造礁珊瑚识别方法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024-02
引用本文: 王岚,魏皓,车亚辰,等. 融合类别数量自适应深度数据增强和迁移学习的造礁珊瑚识别方法研究[J]. 海洋学报,2024,46(x):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024-02
Wang Lan,Wei Hao,Che Yachen, et al. Integration of Category-quantity Adaptive Deep Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning for Reef-Building Coral Recognition[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024-02
Citation: Wang Lan,Wei Hao,Che Yachen, et al. Integration of Category-quantity Adaptive Deep Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning for Reef-Building Coral Recognition[J]. Haiyang Xuebao,2024, 46(x):1–11 doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024-02


doi: 10.12284/hyxb2024-02
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3104600);海南省重点研发计划项目(ZDYF2024SHFZ051);国家自然科学基金面上项目(42076007);自然资源部海洋观测技术重点实验室定向基金(klootB06)。




  • 中图分类号: P714+.5

Integration of Category-quantity Adaptive Deep Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning for Reef-Building Coral Recognition

  • 摘要: 造礁珊瑚识别对于珊瑚礁生态系统的保护与监测具有重要意义。深度学习作为图像识别的前沿技术,在珊瑚识别领域逐渐得到应用。然而,其识别性能仍然面临挑战。其中,数据集中类别间样本数量不平衡和数据多样性欠缺是两个主要问题。前者使得深度学习模型在特征提取过程中更偏向于样本数较多的类,对少数类(尤其是濒危珊瑚)的学习能力不足进而影响其识别准确度。后者因为数据缺乏多样性使得模型无法充分学习各种珊瑚特征,进而限制了征提取的能力。鉴于此,本文提出了一种融合类别数量自适应深度数据增强和迁移学习的造礁珊瑚类型识别方法。针对第一个问题,本文利用识别结果评价指标F1-score定义的数据生成量化公式对原始深度数据增强方法DeepSMOTE进行改进,提出了类别数量自适应的深度数据增强方法DeepSMOTE-F1。该方法根据每类珊瑚的识别结果自适应地增强其样本数量,确保模型充分学习各类珊瑚特征。针对第二个问题,利用迁移学习强化了模型的提取能力。实验结果表明,在RSMAS、EILAT和EILAT2三个代表性珊瑚识别数据集上,相较于原始DeepSMOTE,本文提出的DeepSMOTE-F1识别准确率分别提升了2.88%、0.39%和1.54%;与现有的珊瑚智能识别方法相比,准确率分别提升了0.76%、1.40%和1.30%。
  • 图  1  更改后的ResNet-50网络结构

    Fig.  1  The structure of the modified ResNet-50

    图  2  SMOTE采样示意图

    Fig.  2  The diagram of SMOTE sampling

    图  3  DeepSMOTE深度数据增强结果示例:(a)中展示了RSMAS数据集[20]中三个珊瑚类:Colpophyllia Natans, Acropora Cervicornis和Meandrina Meandrites,(b)中展示了EILAT数据集[20]中三个珊瑚类:Branches TypeⅡ, Brain Coral和Favid Coral。每个类有三个示例,从左到右依次为原始图像、近邻图像、新图像。右上角的数值是由SMOTE算法随机确定的比例因子,介于0-1,表示新的图像与原始图像和近邻图像的接近程度。值越大则代表越接近原始图像,值越小则代表越接近近邻图像。

    Fig.  3  The example results of deep data augmentation using DeepSMOTE: (a) displays three classes of coral in the RSMAS dataset[20]: Colpophyllia Natans, Acropora Cervicornis and Meandrina Meandrites, (b) displays three classes of coral in the EILAT dataset[20]: Branches TypeⅡ, Brain Coral和Favid Coral. There are three examples provided for each class. The 1st-3rd column shows the original image, the nearest neighbor image, and the generated image, respectively. The value in the top right corner is the scale factor randomly determined by the SMOTE, which ranges from 0 to 1. It indicates the degree of similarity between the generated image and the original image, as well as the nearest neighbor image. A higher value indicates greater similarity with the original image, while a lower value indicates greater similarity with the nearest neighbor image.

    图  4  DeepSMOTE-F1流程图

    Fig.  4  Flow chart of the DeepSMOTE-F1

    图  5  整体方法框架

    Fig.  5  The framework of the proposed method.

    图  6  每个敏感性实验在三个数据集上的各类别F1-score。(a) EILAT2; (b) EILAT; (c) RSMAS

    Fig.  6  The F1-score for each class on the three datasets (a) EILAT2; (b) EILAT; (c) RSMAS

    图  7  采用DeepSMOTE-F1前后各类珊瑚图像数量对比。(a) EILAT2; (b) EILAT; (c) RSMAS

    Fig.  7  The comparison of the number of samples before and after data augmentation using DeepSMOTE-F1. (a) EILAT2; (b) EILAT; (c) RSMAS

    表  1  RSMAS数据集基本信息[12]

    Tab.  1  The information of the RSMAS dataset

    RSMASAcropora Cervicornis109
    Acropora Palmata77
    Colpophyllia Natans57
    Diadema Antillarum63
    Diploria Strigosa24
    Millepora Alcicornis22
    Montastraea Cavernosa79
    Meandrina Meandrites54
    Montipora spp28
    Palythoas Palythoa32
    Sponge Fungus88
    Siderastrea Siderea37
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    表  2  EILAT数据集基本信息[12]

    Tab.  2  The information of the EILAT dataset

    Dead Coral280
    Brain Coral160
    Favid Coral200
    Branches TypeⅠ23
    Branches TypeⅡ216
    Branches TypeⅢ77
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    表  3  EILAT2数据集基本信息[24]

    Tab.  3  The information of the EILAT2 dataset

    Brain Coral71
    Favid Coral89
    Branches Type49
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    表  4  参数设置

    Tab.  4  The setting of parameters

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    表  5  每个敏感性实验在RSMAS、EILAT和EILAT2数据集上的识别准确率

    Tab.  5  The classification accuracy of each sensitivity experiment on RSMAS, EILAT, and EILAT2 datasets

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    表  6  本文方法提供最佳识别准确率的参数设置

    Tab.  6  The setting of parameters of the proposed method on achieving the highest classification accuracy

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    表  7  与现有珊瑚识别方法在RSMAS、EILAT和EILAT2数据集上的识别准确率对比

    Tab.  7  The comparison of classification accuracy with existing coral classification methods on RSMAS, EILAT and EILAT2 datasets

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